Most of us like a settled life where we have our home comforts around us. But there comes a time when, for whatever reason, we must deviate from this comfortable pattern of living. Although this is to be expected there are ways to make a living in two homes less difficult. One of the ways is to embrace what self storage has to offer.

The situation may occur when you least expect it: a breakup or sudden transfer at work. These occurrences could even put you into a precarious financial predicament. Besides that, there could be a decision to be made about your current property and what to do with it.

Whatever the reason is for having to set up a second home, even if it is temporary while the sale of the first is being finalized, or while you set up in a new city and rent out the old one, it involves a lot of extra work. It may not be convenient either, as many external arrangements will need to be made, while you get the new accommodation organized to your satisfaction.

At Stop & Store Penrith we assist customers when faced with this sort of dilemma, knowing that the safety of their possessions is of prime concern during this period. Therefore, we go the extra mile to help always.

To assist our customers, we offer some important advice, which if followed will make things a whole lot easier over this period.

Where to Stay, Where to Store

When faced with a situation of having to find a second home, even if its temporary, there are a number of options available. Each one has its own merits and of course cost implication. Staying in a guesthouse or hotel for a lengthy time could hit your pocket harder than you would like. However, a self-catering situation will allow you to cook your own food, and keep food and drinks cool in the fridge.

Both options can be searched for online where the prices are transparent and advertised so that you can tailor the accommodation to suit your pocket.

Second option is staying with family, but that as you know, does have its potential complications, and overstaying your welcome could lead to a fallout, which you are surely to want to avoid. Staying on someone’s property through a short-term lease could also work, depending on what is available in the area you are looking.

In all these options, unfortunately there is no space for your accessories and possessions that are needed with you. Once you know where you are staying, this would be a good time to look for some self storage space to rent nearby.

As a self storage rental is a monthly commitment, you can’t really go wrong getting one. In any event, this is really an affordable storage option to consider. Compare the safety and convenience with other storage places, like someone’s garage, a basement or attic, which may be free, but never as safe or private as you would want.

How To Budget for Extra Costs

Where you are moving for work, you would want to ensure that you are not out of pocket in any way. After all it’s the company that has asked you to relocate, so you should be better off in all respects.

Two lots of costs can eat into your pocket, so its best to make sure that you have all the costs at your fingertips. Best is to make a spreadsheet and have it in in front of you for you to see it clearly. In this way you can ensure that you budget for the extra costs involved.

Even include some of the peripheral costs, like transport to work and back, and any other living out expenses that are associated with the move. Having this spreadsheet prepared early on will also help you with decisions about whether its financially viable to relocate your family immediately or wait until you are settled.

Remember it is best not to try and live out of boxes. When finding a place to settle, unpack and get your things around you. It means that having them safely stored before that day is probably the best thing you can do.

Just by taking your personal effects with you and keeping everything else in storage, you are limiting your worries and your potential losses during this temporary phase

The Move and Keeping It Simple

Whichever way you look at it, moving isn’t for the faint hearted. But with professionals in the business, it is advisable to use them as much as possible. Once you have decided that you want to have interim storage, ask your self storage facility about transport and the best options available.

At the same time, arrange that self storage unit for your convenient storage. Once you have found your ideal permanent home, it will be time to collect your belongings. By having a reliable removal company, all these actions can be done by them, saving you the hassle.

In this way, you keep the move simple, and stress free.

At storage facility like Stop & Store Penrith, just let us know when you are ready to vacate. Then arrange your move accordingly.

Give Us a Ring

Self storage is designed to assist you when the situation occurs that you have more than one home, or you are moving between one and the other. Talk to anyone that has moved and they are sure to tell you that self storage is a very helpful stepping stone that helps support the process.

Arranging a self storage unit can be done telephonically or online. Once we have your documentation, we process the application. Pay the first month’s rent and access will be provided. That allows you to move right in.

Alternately, give us a call when you need storage, and we will be at your service.

Our office number is 01768 800291 and website details are: