If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to find a way to generate some extra income at home, then factor self storage into the equation. This is because when setting up a side hustle at home, utilizing a self storage unit nearby you can assist in creating that extra space to give you the freedom to establish your new business.

Also, when using a self storage unit in conjunction with your home based side hustle, the benefits of having a secure space offsite to store things cannot be underestimated. Coupled with this is the need to store these items in a well-organised manner for easy retrieval.

While cheap self storage unit nearby is a bonus, don’t forget to factor in the cost of your storage unit rental into your business expenses. This may be an extra cost, but self storage is one of the most affordable storage options around.

Also, by using a self storage unit to support your new enterprise, at the same time, you will be making more space for your home. Clearing space often makes way for more good ideas, as you will be dealing with a clean space, like a new slate. In addition, make sure that the self storage facility is close by for easy access.

In Cumbria, one of the best options is Stop & Store Penrith. Situated close to town on the A66 the self storage units, with various size options, offer excellent space to accommodate your new side hustle development.

Side Hustle Ideas: Self Storage for Inventory

Many of the side hustle ideas out there that are operated from home benefit from the use of a self storage unit by using it as a place of storage for inventory. Some examples are:

  • Doing reselling through the sourcing of products that offer a profit margin when selling them online. This will include factoring in the cost of a self storage unit rental to store inventory and negotiate bulk purchases at a discount.
  • It is handy for handmade crafts or artwork which is also a good side hustle. The storage unit rental is suited to store materials, saleable products, and packaging supplies.
  • If you are considering offering professional services, a self storage unit is perfect for the storage of equipment, supplies, or files.
  • As a photographer, your props and equipment can be securely stored in a self storage unit rental. It can even be set up as a studio for larger projects.
  • You may be considering a home repair or gardening service business, where you need to keep your equipment and have a workspace to fix things. Having a self storage unit rental to store everything is a big plus when it comes to running such a side hustle as there is no need to clutter your home with it.
  • This may be the year you realise your dreams of showing off your culinary and organisational skills. A self storage unit rental is a perfect place for caterers and event coordinators to store their supplies and equipment.

Many an e-commerce business is run successfully using self storage, and if you are thinking along these lines, rest assured that a self storage rental can solve the problem of finding space to store your stock.

Also, because there is no onerous lease, you can rent for the short term or long term without having to make a big commitment or having rental deposits and difficult landlords to deal with.

Side Hustle Ideas: Nearby Self Storage for Rental Income at Home

So, one of the good ways to get income is by renting out your own home space to a tenant. The advantage of using self storage is that those home possessions, like furniture, appliances, or other bulky items can be stored for a fraction of the price you will be getting when you do an accommodation deal with someone.

Converting part of your home to self-catering accommodation for additional rental income can be very rewarding.  However, to ensure a successful and legally compliant conversion there are a few things you should know.

  • Ensure that you comply with the zoning regulations and building codes that cover the operation of a self-catering accommodation establishment in your area. There could also be specific regulations about short-term rentals.
  • Permits or licenses will be needed for short-term rentals where you are as they could also involve business licenses, occupancy permits, and health and safety certifications.
  • Make the area safe by looking into fire safety measures, proper ventilation, and obeying the accessibility guidelines.
  • Provide insurance cover for short-term rentals.
  • You will need a separate entrance for the self-catering accommodation. This will maximise privacy for both you and your guests.
  • Ensure your rental agreements outline rules, expectations, and responsibilities for both you and your guests. This paves the way for a good host client relationship.

Making Space Using Self Storage Unit Nearby

By creating a welcoming and upmarket space you are sure to attract and retain guests. This means that the new area should be clean and well organised. Thought and effort must go into the planning and execution of your self-catering side hustle. Here we talk about how to use self storage to make that space available.

  • Sort out items that are used infrequently but are still required or sentimental. This could be for example, the kid’s toys that are no longer needed, seasonal decorations, sports equipment, and excess furniture.
  • Even items you’re unsure about keeping can be kept in the self storage unit rental. When you realise as time goes by that you don’t need them, you can consider donating or selling them.
  • Books, documents, paperwork, and files can be packed in labelled boxes for storage in the self storage unit. The security features of the storage facility will ensure the safety of your belongings.

When looking for a self storage unit facility nearby, simply go online and contact us. With Stop & Store Penrith, you can do the storage rental by going online or contacting us directly by phone. We will be pleased to be of service to you.

Find us at https://www.stopandstore.co.uk/penrith-storage/

Or call us on 01768 800291.