When you find you have run out of space in your home to pack away items that you do not use every day, consider using a self-storage facility. We tend to use many of our belongings at certain times of the year or seasonally, but for the rest of the time they clutter up our house or garage. Consider items such as bulky camping equipment that we only use during our annual summer holiday, or seasonal sports equipment such as skiing equipment we use briefly in winter. Our self-storage units at Stop & Store self storage Great Yarmouth are a cost-effective solution by providing a safe place to store your seasonal gear without having to get rid of any of it; a move you may regret when their season comes round again.

Our self-storage units allow you access to your goods at any time, so when you need them at the beginning of your season, just swap them by storing the belongings you won’t be needing for the next 6 months. An extra bonus is that you will free up extra space at home.

Having recently packed up our Christmas decorations and ornaments to be put away and forgotten about for another 11 months, there is a good chance of them being damaged before the next festive season by storing them carelessly. Instead consider storing them in a self-storage unit. The same applies to the skiing equipment and bulky clothing we use on a winter holiday, but that also needs to be stored safely until the next one. These items are expensive and are required to be stored carefully in order for them not to be damaged.

If you have run out of space inside your home, attic, or garage to store these seldom used items, consider a self-storage unit as an answer to your storage problems.

We Won’t be Needing These Until Summer

Here are some of the items we can do without until spring arrives.

  • Gardening equipment such as lawnmowers, hedge cutters, hoses and gardening tools are some of the items you can safely store away for the winter months. If you are lucky enough to have a shed, this is the ideal place for them. If not, consider self-storage. Clean the equipment off before storing. A tip from the experts is to place long gardening tools upright in a drum or bucket to keep them all together, and to save space.
  • Items used on your summer holidays such as camping equipment, scuba diving equipment, surf boards, paddle ski’s, and bikes if you only ride those in summer will be safe in a self-storage unit. These bulky items are difficult to store at home, expensive to replace, and are easily damaged.  Storing in one of our units will ensure they are safe from being stolen, and will be clean and good condition, ready for your next summer holiday.

Storing Our Winter Goods and Equipment

This is a list of winter items to place in your storage unit when the days begin to get longer and warmer and the plans for summer holidays are being discussed.

  • Winter sporting equipment such as skis, skates, sleds, and the bulky clothing
  • Christmas decorations, lights, and fake trees can be packed away and labelled which will ensure they are undamaged for when you need them again.

Storing Clothes, Summer or Winter

Storing your clothes is easy and will free up space in your closet. Here are some tips to ensure they keep looking good in spite of being in storage.

  • Wash and dry your clothes thoroughly before you pack them for storage. Dirty or damp clothes will quickly become mouldy and smelly, and may attract pests, including moths and rodents.
  • The same applies for your shoes, so clean them and make sure they are dry to prevent mould.
  • The natural materials our clothes are made of need air to circulate around them to keep them in good condition. Vacuum sealing is therefore not recommended, as it will also cause really bad wrinkling when stored too long.
  • Those large clear plastic bins are best for storing clothes. Not only can you identify what is in the bin, but they stack on top of each other to make it easier for you to keep your storage unit tidy and organised. Your clothes will be kept free of any moisture as well as keeping pests out. Some storage facilities will stock these bins for rental.
  • Label boxes accurately and keep a detailed inventory to track your belongings.
  • Our advice is not to use plastic bags to store clothes. Plastic degenerates over time and your clothes will fall out. Bags also don’t hold their shape and they will become jumbled and chaotic.
  • Packing each member of your family’s belongings separately will make it easier to keep track of everything whilst in storage.
  • Those clothing rails on wheels are perfect for storing clothes that hang like dresses, jackets, suits, and coats. By hanging them in garment bags first and then placing cedar-wood balls or pheromone adhesive strips amongst the clothes will protect them from moths and other insects. These can also be placed in the boxes which you use to pack your clothes in.

At Stop & Store self storage Great Yarmouth we offer a solution to the storage of your seasonal items that will keep them secure and safe without you having to find a corner in your home for this purpose.

Our units vary in size from 12 sq ft to 200 sq ft, they are safe, dry, pest controlled and ideal for the purpose of storing your clothing, sporting goods, gardening tools, or Christmas decorations in the off-season. No contract needs to be signed and you can hire storage space from 1 month to as long as you need. Check our online space calculator to assist you choose the correct size unit.

Conveniently located with easy access to load and unload your goods, Stop & Store self storage at Great Yarmouth is open seven days a week from 8am to 8pm.

Tel: 01493 803991

Stop & Store: Self Storage Great Yarmouth