Many people look forward to the day when they retire not only from their jobs, but also from the stresses associated with workdays. They imagine how awesome it will be to have all this time to themselves to do as they please. But the reality is often that although they do have time to themselves, sometimes it is too much time and they miss the hustle and bustle of their working life. Self Storage Grimsby

However, according to people who have retired and made a happier life for themselves, the secret to an enjoyable stress-free retirement, is to be well organized. 

As retirement can still offer you at least twenty more years to enjoy, there is no doubt that you would want them to be the best they could be, doing things that make you happy. 

Being organized is about planning what you wish to do and having the freedom to choose when to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to any particular activity. In this way you can have time to yourself without being told what to do by others. If your life was run by the responsibilities of working before, this new freedom from routine can be difficult to navigate.

Here are some tips from happy retirees to help you with choosing what would work best for you. 

Time for Yourself

Retirement is a time to participate in events such as sports like bowls, golf, and walking, or social events like bridge, bingo, and so on. It is also important to keep a finger on your cash flow if you are reliant on your retirement income. Maintaining health in retirement is a huge issue, as it’s often your good health as well as your financial position that determines how much you can do when you retire. 

Considering some of these issues, how do we best manage our retirement to maximize its enjoyment?

Choose what you wish to spend time on

As social beings we naturally want to socialize. When you are first a retiree and find time on your hands it is a good time to decide what activities you wish to be involved in.  Be aware that this can lead to being taken for granted if you never learn to say ‘no’ to anyone.

But by having a routine and communicating it to your family everybody will know when you are available, and they will fit into your routine. In this way you oversee your time. And don’t be afraid to say “no” because its your retirement that you have worked so hard for. 

Keeping Mentally and Physically Healthy

As we get older our bodies unfortunately may start to let us down. With this comes a general slowing down with the attendant aches and pains cropping up in unexpected places. Knowing this, what can you do about it? Well, the fact is that there are lots of activities that can help your body and mind stay in shape and these can counteract your aging quite successfully. Let’s see what they are:


Regular exercise does wonders for your physical and mental health. Research shows that exercise is particularly important as we age as it serves to improve our blood circulation and keep our muscles and bones strong. Exercise can be fun and is a good routine to adopt. Walking your dog or joining a hiking club, a yoga class or even joining a gym suited for oldies will get you out of your chair and improve your fitness levels. Carry on participating in your sport of choice for as long as you are able, to ensure you keep physically fit and socially engaged.


This is the time to do all those trips you have not had time for. Not only does travel broaden the mind, but it is also one of those exciting activities that is easy to do as a retiree. Make a bucket list of places to see, both local and further afield. Visit family overseas for an extended trip or take a cruise somewhere you have always wanted to see. Either way, part of the fun is the planning, and many regular travelers always have a trip in the future to look forward to. 

Find a new Interest

Discovering something new, be it a new hobby, a love interest if you are on your own, or learning a new sport, never believe you are too old to do so. Who knows what’s out there waiting for you? You now have the time to dream and explore. Put yourself out there and be available for experiences, there could be something fun waiting for you. 

Blogging or writing a book

There is no age limit when it comes to writing. You have accumulated all those memories and experiences and you never know; you may have interesting things to say that people will want to read about. It could be a book or a blog. Write it down as you never know how good you are until you do it. Get it down, out of your head and let others enjoy what you have to say and at the same time maybe learn from your experiences!

Get a pet

Although getting a pet is a big commitment, it also means acquiring a companion and you may need a furry friend in your life. Adopt an older shelter dog if you don’t have the energy for a puppy. A dog will encourage you to take walks which is a great way of getting your daily exercise.  

Find a Supplementary Income Stream

A little more income is always welcome, and here are some of the ways you can improve your cash flow.

Rent out a room Self Storage Grimsby

If you have some extra space in your house you could rent it out for extra income. This is when using one of our self-storage units would assist you. By storing clutter and excess furniture in our self-storage unit you can free up an unused space or an annex. There is a ready market for rental accommodation which will bring you a regular income.

Consulting or writing

Use your business experience or other knowledge gained over the years and turn this into money though offering your services doing consulting work, reconnecting with old colleagues, and working only when and if you feel like it. Otherwise find an online platform that offer assignment work related to your field of expertise and do this from the comfort of your home. It will keep you brain sharp and you will enjoy it. Self Storage Grimsby

Finding a way to live in an uncluttered environment may entail putting some of your belongings into self-storage. We at Stop & Store self storage Grimsby help retirees with solving their storage problems. If you are one of those who would like to do the same Stop & Store self storage Grimsby has a range of storage units ranging from 12 sq feet to 200 sq feet for you to keep your unused belongings to make space for yourself. 

Call us at Stop & Store Grimsby on 01472 563120