Once your large home worked for your family. Plenty of space for every member of the family to ‘do their thing’ meant it was perfect for that particular time of your lives. But now the younger family members may have moved on to the next stage of their lives and maintaining a big house has now become a burden and an expensive one at that. Self Storage Units Great Yarmouth.

When this happens, it is an opportunity for downsizing your home. You may need the extra equity for your retirement, besides moving into a smaller place will make maintenance and upkeep more manageable and less time consuming.

Downsizing to a smaller house will create a logistical problem with what to do with your excess belongings because there will be too many in your current house that won’t necessarily fit into your new one. Many of your possessions have monetary as well as sentimental value and these decisions are understandably the most difficult part of a downsize. In many instances, the children may also not have space to take your overflow, so it’s often a dilemma as to what to do with them.

As parents, when selling your large family property, it’s expected that some equity will be released. These funds could be used for a long-awaited trip or a gift to the children to save on inheritance tax later, or to top up retirement funds. In all, downsizing is stressful as there are difficult decisions to be made. Here are a few pointers that may help with your decisions.

Where to Downsize to?

  • Retirement homes often have a long waiting list as they are in short supply. At times one may become available at short notice if you are in the right place at the right time you can take advantage. While there are many benefits like social activities, frail care and well-designed infrastructure for older persons, the size of the units maybe a bit small.
  • Find a smaller house or apartment to downsize to close to where you have been living in order to stay near friends and family in a familiar neighbourhood. This will make the transition much easier on yourself.
  • If your family have moved away you may choose to relocate to another part of the country to be closer to them.
  • If you have always dreamed of living abroad in a warm, sunny climate, this may be the perfect opportunity to follow this dream.

Faced with the problems of excess furniture and household possessions, many downsizers choose self storage units as solution for their excess items until a decision is made as to how to deal with them. Stop & Store Great Yarmouth is a great option for downsizers to store their household goods.

Packing up

Many homeowners would have stayed in the same house for many years, accumulating loads of possessions. They can’t all be taken along on your next step, and to just put them up for sale won’t necessarily realize their true value.

Difficult decisions have to be made regarding possessions that have sentimental value. Your children may not be in a situation where they can take over the bits and pieces they want, and what do you do with the remainder that none of them wants? Self storage units could be your best option. It is inexpensive and it gives you time to make plans in your own time.

Definite Clear out Items

These are the items that are easier to sort through and let go of.

  • Clothing and linen. In every clothes cupboard are clothes and shoes that are seldom worn but are kept “for just in case”. Old linen that is rarely used is also kept for sentimental reasons. This will be a good time to take these old items to a charity shop as taking them to your new house doesn’t make sense.
  • Outdated electronic equipment. Take your old obsolete electronics like DVD’s, old computers, old mobile phones, and TV’s that have been replaced with new technology but are stashed in a cupboard somewhere. This is the time to get them to an e-waste collector.
  • Kids’ stuff. This is the time to either hand it over to your kids or if they have no use for them, to give it to someone who can use this stuff. It’s difficult to do this, but if you donate these to a worthy cause, think of the joy you could bring to someone else!
  • Kitchen appliances. Kitchens are invariably full of appliances, some of which work and others that are out of sight that don’t work anymore. Blenders, microwaves, and other equipment that have given you faithful service but can’t be fixed must go now.
  • Books and Magazines. Your house may be choked up with out-of-date magazines, books that are long read and lots of old papers that need to be sorted through before throwing out. Charity shops will take any books or magazines that you are throwing out.
  • The garage contents. It’s likely that your smaller home will have a smaller garage, but you most likely do not want to move the contents of your garage accumulated over many years to your new place. Spend some time tackling your garage and take only what you really need with you.
  • The garden shed. If you have a garden shed at home, this also needs clearing as it is unlikely that you will have the same extra space in your new home.

Final Thoughts

When downsizing your goal is to reduce the burden imposed by managing a large house and enjoying your new journey by making some changes. Keeping your friends and family near you and choosing a place with or near the amenities you desire, can be taken into account when you make these life-changing decisions.

Before you are tempted to dispose of your possessions too hastily, keep them until you are assured of getting the right price for them or finding a good home for them either with family or in your new home. Consider hiring self storage units at Stop & Store Great Yarmouth for as long as you may need to make your decisions.

Call us at Stop & Store Great Yarmouth and we can help you figure out the best storage units available near you.

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