Playing sport is one of the best ways to keep healthy and fit. Across the world, there are so many of us that play sport at different levels, some professionally, while the majority do it for the fun of it. Self Storage Sutton In Ashfield 

Then there are those who are so passionate about a particular team, watching religiously every week and following the team’s fortunes. We can get incredibly involved in sport, and depending on the levels we participate in, and those that are very dedicated can reach great heights.

Have you ever wondered how those players that do so well get there? We know that there is a great deal of sacrifice involved, having to train for hours a day. They have little time for anything else, and the top players can earn a fortune doing what they love doing. Along with it comes super fitness, rigorous diets, and no excesses.

It’s a fact that being healthy and fit makes one more productive. CEO’s of companies typically find time to exercise in the routine of their busy day. This helps them cope with the stresses associated with their jobs, and without it they would be less effective.

At Stop & Store self storage Sutton in Ashfield, we see how important sport and fitness is in everyone’s lives.

Exercise and The Benefits for Body & Mind

While the act of exercising is good for blood circulation, lung capacity and muscles, there is much to be said for the benefits of exercise for the health of the mind.

It’s recommended that humans should do at least 150 minutes of exercise a week. That’s just over 20 minutes a day. It doesn’t sound much, considering a lot of us walk during the day, but amazingly there is a big proportion of people in the UK population between the ages of 41-60 who do less than 10 minutes a month! This is far and away less than they should be doing, and it’s not difficult to imagine the impact this has on their health.

Children should be encouraged to get off the couch and do the same, in fact, their exercise needs for their muscular development is far greater than the 20 minutes per day. So, getting children interested in the sport early on is one of the best things one can do for them.  Getting kids to do at least an hour a day’s worth of physical activity will set them on the right path in life.

When one feels good and look good one’s self-image and confidence is good. It’s one of the easiest things that can be achieved through exercise and sets you on the way to having a healthy more relaxed lifestyle.

Relaxing and De-stressing

Exercise should never be seen as a punishment, a grind, or something you don’t look forward to. So, let’s look at how we can incorporate exercise into our daily lives in a way that we can make it fun. We know that exercise improves blood flow, lifting the spirits and making you more relaxed. This is done through the reduction of stress-inducing hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol which are the ones responsible for anxiety. Exercise also is known to increase the endorphin levels in your body, which attach to receptors in the brain, raising your levels of activity and positiveness.

So, how should we exercise in such a way that it’s an enjoyable thing to do?

Choosing a Sport to Participate In

With so many different kinds of sport out there, there’s sure to be one for you. The choice is divided broadly into two categories: team sports or individual sports. In each instance, there is likely to be a club to join in your neighbourhood. With this comes the sport, organized in such a way that there are probably opportunities to practice before a game is played. Games will be scheduled against other sides, bringing a competitive element to the event.

Social events normally go with a club as a way for creating team spirit and providing an opportunity for everyone to get to know each other better.

In the UK soccer, rugby, hockey, and cricket are played across the country in a vast number of clubs that have been in existence for many decades. You are sure to find one that has a team participating at your skills level.

Individual sports are also aplenty and depending on what you enjoy there are many to choose from for you to enjoy. If its water sports, the vast amount of watercourses offer great opportunities for rowing, canoeing, or sailing and kayaking and are a great way to tone your body muscles and get good aerobic exercise.

Of the individual sports, golf is played competitively at all skills levels, using a handicap system to make it fair to everyone. Other good choices include cycling and running where all ages can participate.

Pilates, yoga, and aerobics offer classes, where, by joining others you get committed to a routine and with an added bonus there’s often some social side to it.

Storage of Sports Gear Self Storage Sutton In Ashfield 

Whichever sport you choose you are likely to be invested in sports equipment. This equipment needs to be safely stored. Depending on the amount and the seasonality of use, storage of your equipment is easy and safe with us.

The Stop & Store self storage Sutton in Ashfield is a popular place for storing sports equipment, even boats and ski equipment. With privacy, safety and 24/7 access, self-storage is the way to go.

This security offers sports enthusiasts peace of mind when storing their equipment. Valuable sporting equipment like racing or mountain bikes are not in any danger of being stolen as could happen at home.

It also helps you not having a home or apartment cluttered up with sports equipment, which is often bulky and tends to get in the way.

Units range from 12 sq ft to 200 sq ft, so you can choose the size you need. With no contracts to be signed, you can hire storage space from a month any length you need.

We are situated in Sutton In Ashfield, NG17 1BP, and we can be contacted at Phone Number 01623 372051.

Look on our website for more information.