If you have your own business, you’ll know that when you add up your expenses at the end of the month you can be in for a nasty shock. This is especially true if you pay rent for the premises of your business, such as a shop or office. With many aspects of business now taken care of online rather than in person, you may find that you could actually try a more cost-effective way of managing your small company. A budget storage unit could offer you the space you need at an affordable price, and without any hidden costs. Stop and Store Self Storage Fareham offers a secure method for operating your business with no nasty financial surprises.

How is Storage Better than using my own Home?

Yellow storage units

If you don’t want to use a store front or office on the high street for your business, it can be tempting to use your home as your office and stock room rolled into one. Whilst this might work in the short term, over time it can become very frustrating to have to use precious space at home to store your stock. Once your spare bedroom, garage and loft are full, your house can begin to feel cluttered and cramped. Whatever your business, storing your stock in a self storage unit means that your home can feel spacious and tidy once more.

It’s also important to be able to separate work from your personal life, and keeping your stock in a local, convenient storage facility means that you are not constantly reminded of work. Being able to switch off at the end of a working day or week is important part of self-care to ensure long term emotional wellbeing.

Storage in Addition to a Shop Front

Front of shop

If your business requires you to maintain a shop, self storage Fareham can still be of benefit to you. Local business rental rates are nearly always proportionate to the size of the shop you rent, and many businesses do not need all of their stock in store at all times. Storing any excess stock at Stop and Store locally in Fareham is a great way of enabling you to rent smaller premises on the high street whilst still being able to access your additional stock when required. If you require something urgently, you can access it from Stop and Store and have it with your customer that day or the following one.

Secure Storage

padlock on self storage unit

Unlike basic offices or shop fronts, Stop and Store Self Storage Fareham boasts excellent security features. Monitored CCTV is in place at all times and an intruder alarm to alert security staff should there be a problem. This level of security is higher than many offices, and is certainly greater than the security most of us have in our own homes. With convenient business storage, you can be assured that your business stock will be in safe hands.

Located in Fareham Shopping Centre, you can access your storage space seven days a week. Our excellent opening times mean that for residents of Gosport, Titchfield, Stubbington and surrounding towns, it couldn’t be easier to access your stock or other goods when required.

Packaging Space

If your business requires you to ship items out to customers, or send business letters or other goods, you can utilise the storage facility to get these administrative tasks completed in peace. Without distractions, you can carefully wrap and package items ready to send. Fareham Post Office is also conveniently located close to Stop and Store if you wish to send items without delay.

Quiet Storage Solutions

macbook, coffee and notepad

Running a business is a time consuming pursuit. It can be difficult to meet the needs of the business and your customers, and keep up to date with invoices, taxes and other communications. Some people choose to set their storage unit up as a small office. Retreating to your storage space can give you some much needed time to get back on top of your to do list without the distractions of being at home.

Creative Working Space

man using macbook pro at desk

Rather than hot desking or renting a space within an office, some people are turning to storage units to create their own private oasis. You can kit your storage unit out with whatever you need to run your business, and bringing a battery pack along can provide you with enough power to work all day on your laptop or desktop computer. Without the distractions of an office environment, you may find you are far more productive. Storage units can be rented for a fraction of the price of a desk space in the local area.

Storage Unit Prices

At Stop and Store Storage Fareham, we have a range of storage units to suit businesses of all sizes. We can also cater for all budgets, including new businesses requiring cheap storage. Our secure storage units range in size from 12 square feet to 200 square feet making them ideal for all companies, from the smallest start-up to a fully established international business.

We understand that business can be unpredictable, especially in the current economic and political climate. We therefore want our customers to feel confident in using our storage facility and offer contracts that run month to month rather than tying you into a longer contract. For the ultimate in cost-effectiveness, if you book a storage unit for three months or more, you can take advantage of 50% off the usual weekly price for the first three months (limited time offer). For a 4ft by 3ft (12 sq. ft.) storage unit, this works out at just £3.46 per week.

Renting a storage unit will almost always be cheaper than paying rental rates on a shop or office. At Stop and Store, you won’t need to worry about the regular bills you used to receive, such as council tax, utilities, or ground rent. The monthly fee we advertise is all you’ll pay with Stop and Store.

Book Today

Renting a secure self storage unit in Fareham is the perfect way to store excess stock away from your home or business premises. With an excellent range of budget storage rooms, book today with Stop and Store and look forward to saving money.