At first working from home might have felt like a novelty, but now that we’re one year in it has become the new normal. Whether you enjoy it or not, it’s likely that you’ll be continuing to spend more time working from home than you ever did before. You may find yourself at home every day, or with one or two days in the office. Whatever your employer decides, there’s no denying that if you haven’t already, it’s time to create a suitable office space at home. Storage Penrith

As you begin designing this space, we have a number of tips to help you create a home working environment that also supports environmental sustainability. Storage Penrith


If you’ve been working from the sofa or perched at the breakfast bar, it’s time to change that. You may already be experiencing aches and pains from poor posture or uncomfortable seating arrangements.

It’s time to invest in a desk or table, and a comfortable office chair. Many furniture stores have been overwhelmed by people purchasing office furniture, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find what you want sustainably.

Second hand selling sites such as Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace are awash with people selling furniture that they no longer need. By purchasing second hand, you are reducing the demand for furniture production, adding to eco-sustainability. You may even find that your employer is getting rid of office furniture that is now surplus to demand.

Alternatively, do you have something at home that could be repurposed? A desk doesn’t have to have started life as a desk. An old dining table could give you plenty of workspace for your laptop, second screen, printer and notebooks. You could look for a second-hand set of office drawers to go beneath it, giving you all the storage you’ll need.

Energy Sources

Now that you’re working from home, you may have seen your gas or electricity bills rising. There are a few steps you can take to try to minimise your home bills.


Try to avoid working in a dark corner. Not only can the dark affect your mood, but it will also mean you need to have a light switched on at all times. Placing your workstation near to a window means you’re less likely to need a light on whilst working in daylight hours.

If you do need light to work, use LED light bulbs which are more environmentally friendly and will help you to avoid large electricity bills.


Being at home through the winter months may have sent your gas bill sky-rocketing. It is unpleasant to work in the cold, but on chillier days you may find it more cost-effective to use a plug-in oil heater to heat the one room you are working in, rather than the whole house.

Electrical Appliances

Most of us have a laptop or PC running, alongside keyboards, printers, scanners and desk lights. Although these are essential, try to get into the habit of switching individual electronics off when not in use. At the end of the day, make sure everything is properly shut down.

Your kettle may never have seen so much action, so avoid overfilling it each time you make a cuppa. Tameside Metropolitan Borough estimated that if you boil the kettle four times a day, you could save over £46 per year by not overfilling it. Reducing energy consumption is also a sustainable choice.


Your daily trip to Pret may be a distant memory, but this in itself is positive for sustainability. By making your own sandwiches at home, you’re reducing the amount of rubbish produced each day. If you always grabbed a coffee to go, you’ll also have significantly cut down on the number of takeaway cups consumed.

When doing the supermarket shop, try to minimise the amount of packaged fruit and veg you buy. Loose apples, carrots, peppers and potatoes are often available and will reduce the amount of packaging you discard each week. If you drive to the supermarket, doing one big weekly shop or online order will reduce your carbon footprint.

Recycle Everything

Paper, plastic, tins and glass can all be recycled. Although your office may have had a designated printer cartridge recycling bin, many domestic printer cartridges can be sent off for recycling.

Whilst working at home, consider whether you really need to print every document. If you do, print double-sided on recycled paper. If there is a print error, use any spoiled paper as scrap, rather than recycling it immediately.

Home Office

If you are fortunate enough to consider installing a home office in your garden, you can quite literally consider making a greener choice. Search for companies who can supply and fit a home office with a green roof. This is a roof planted with grasses and other plants.

A green roof will reduce your energy costs by absorbing heat. This means the building is kept cooler in summer and warmer in winter. The plants also naturally improve oxygen content in the surrounding air.

Walking Meetings

If restrictions allow, a walking meeting will allow you to exercise whilst working. Although nowadays your meeting may have to be held by phone rather than a physical walk with a colleague, getting out of the house during the working day is vital for your mental health.

Creating Space with Storage Penrith

Working in a newly created office space will not be successful if you are surrounded by the clutter that has been uprooted to make way for your desk. If you have taken over the spare bedroom or dining room, consider moving the existing furniture into a budget self storage unit to give you the space you need to concentrate.

Residents in Penrith, Pooley Bridge and the North Lake District have taken advantage of the convenience and security of Stop and Store to make more space at home. With storage rooms varying in size from 12 to 200 square feet, you’ll find the right space for your needs.

To find out more about self storage in the Penrith area and to begin making room for your sustainable home office, contact us today.