Whether you are a seasoned camper or only shake out your tent occasionally, self storage can be a great option if you need to store camping equipment. Tents, sleeping bags and camping stoves can all take up a significant amount of space at home. When things start to feel cluttered, you might be glad to rent a budget storage room near you in Fareham.


If you have enjoyed camping adventures for many years, you can start to find yourself tripping over camping tables or storage boxes that will no longer fit in your loft or garage. Each trip you make may see you purchasing a new camping essential, and over time, your kit can grow to a monstrous size. If you’re overwhelmed by camping paraphernalia, it could be a good time to go through your kit and sell or donate items that you no longer need. Once you have decided which camping essentials to keep, you could rent a small secure storage room to enjoy an uncluttered home without trip hazards in every room.Tents and sleeping bags in campsite

Seasonal Storage

At the end of the summer camping season, it’s likely that your tent will be packed away and forgotten about until the following spring. Rather than have it take up valuable room in your home, you could make use of cheap storage and move all of your camping equipment to Stop and Store in Fareham Shopping Centre. Your gear will remain safe, clean and dry, but will be out of your way until you next need it.

In the winter months, bargain shopping periods including Black Friday and the January Sales can be a great time to pick up tents, sleeping bags and camping stoves at a greatly reduced price. You may wish for storage solutions to house these bulky items until the summer, but by renting personal storage, you can stockpile your items safely until the warmer months.

Sensible Packing

When you pack your camping equipment up, you could choose to pack it into boxes. A clear plastic box not only keeps your kit free of dust and damp, but allows you to easily see the contents of each box. This means you can quickly select the boxes you need for each trip without having to rummage through them individually. Even better, if you select boxes that stack together you will be able to fit them in your car or campervan more easily when you go away. When you put your camping gear into self storage, using clear plastic boxes gives you your very own camping store to select exactly what you want for each trip, quickly and easily.

Reduce on Packing

If you regularly camp, keeping a selection of camping plates, mugs and cutlery in a box will mean that you barely need to pack for each trip. You can also store essentials like washing up liquid, toiletries and loo roll. Simply collect the box you need from your self storage room, knowing that you have the essentials covered. Each time you return from a trip, check the dates on any unopened dry foodstuffs and tins as many of these items can be stored for your next trip, rather than having to buy again the next time you go away.

There may also be some items of clothing that you only wear when camping, such as thermals or technical waterproof outerwear. These items can take up valuable space at home, but you could instead take advantage of self storage to declutter your campsite clothing from your wardrobe.

Your Kit in One Place

At home, you may be forced to put your kit wherever you can find a space for it. The loft, garage, spare bedroom and dining room can all become a dumping ground. Spending a small amount of money each month allows you to rent a storage space dedicated solely to your camping equipment, so that each time you go away, packing is simple. With all of your kit in one room, simply visit Fareham Stop and Store, select the boxes and additional items you need, and set off on your adventure. Our storage facility is open seven days a week, so even if you decide to make an impromptu trip, you can access your items whenever you need to.

Tow people with backpacks

Sports Equipment

If you’re planning a weekend of camping, you might be keen to take sports equipment to make the most of the great outdoors. From bike racks to stand up paddleboards, sports equipment can take up a significant amount of space in your home. Placing these larger items into storage can make your house feel more spacious.

Other large items that you might be keen to store for a camping trip include canoes, fire pits, tables, chairs and of course the tent itself.


Many of us rely on battery-operated equipment when camping. Radios, torches and fans can be essential pieces of kit. When storing them, it is important to remove the batteries in case they begin to corrode. Keep the batteries together in a separate box or bag, and then when you next pack for a camping trip, check their condition before reinserting them into your electrical items. This prevents your items from being ruined by corrosion between trips, and ensures their longevity.

Safe, Dry and Clean

Your camping gear collection could be worth thousands of pounds, and you want to know that your items will be in good condition every time you get them out. Stop and Store offers secure storage with 24 hour CCTV and intruder alarms. Whereas a loft or garage can be affected by heat or damp, our units are clean and dry. A tent stored in a garage or loft is at risk of damp and even mould, and storing your tent with us can give you peace of mind that your items will remain in a good condition.

Customers who use Stop and Store can use the units as they wish, and this can include adding shelving or other storage preferences. Adding shelving makes it even easier for you to access your tent and additional boxes. It also keeps your possessions off the floor and allows air to circulate freely promoting good ventilation.

For customers in Fareham, Wickham and surrounding areas, choosing to store your camping gear can not only give you more space at home, but also ensures your kit is kept in the right environment to help it last you throughout many happy years of camping.