A life changing event can happen at any time in our lives. These events are not always bad or distressing. It may mean though, that our circumstances change. This could result in adapting the way we live to accommodate our new reality.

A happy event may be the arrival of a first baby which does tend to alter our priorities and lead to lifestyle changes to accommodate the new addition! Moving in with your partner is another event to be celebrated. This will lead to changes which may include moving to a new larger home. If it involves blending two families it will invariably mean moving to a bigger home.

Difficult life changing events include divorce, splitting from a partner or coping with the death of a partner. This often means dealing with a new reality necessitating some difficult decisions regarding those excess belongings if you need to downsize to a smaller home.

Moving in together

Two people deciding to live together is likely a sign that they are elevating their relationship to another level, and it’s a happy moment. 

Testing the relationship may take a while to see if you are compatible, and often there is a lot of give and take to accommodate each other’s tastes, likes and dislikes. One such disagreement that could arise is which of the joint possessions to keep. Clearly the new house cannot accommodate all the items from two households.

This will be different if two families are blending and most of the joint possessions will be needed. It may require moving to a larger home in order to accommodate the two families.

Before you get rid of everything, it’s wise to keep them until you know things are on the right track relationship-wise.

So, why not follow the wise words and hold onto them until you know for sure, because the alternative would be to sell everything and then you have to replace them again if things don’t work out. Use a self storage unit to solve this problem. It’s costs effective, safe and your “insurance” just in case things don’t work out.

Self storage and a new baby

When the news is announced that a new baby is expected, it’s a time for celebration and preparation. Getting the new nursery organised is an extremely exciting task for the new parents.

It’s always advisable to get going soon into the pregnancy as the preparation tends to take a while. Most often a room will need to be dedicated to the new baby. This would mean that one of the existing rooms, such as the guestroom would have to be cleared out. These contents need to be stored somewhere. The easiest option is storing these surplus items in a self storage unit.

Of course, your baby will be needing these items at a later stage for the room, like a wardrobe, bed, and desk. It’s surprising how quickly they grow up!

At the same time, consider what is necessary to toddler proof your home. It’s an idea to store any furniture or ornaments that would be hazardous to the new baby as he starts to crawl around in the house. Some of these may include glass topped coffee tables, and shelving that he could climb and injure himself.

Divorce or separation

Sometimes marriages or relationships don’t work out, and divorce or separation is the inevitable ending. When this happens, one or both of you will have to move out. 

What happens then to the household possessions? During the immediate time after the divorce, arrangements must be made, sometimes the property needs to be sold, and both partners may need a new place to move to.

Conversations about the assets also cause friction, and often someone must intervene to decide on the outcome. A great way of accommodating a household of furniture is to put it into self storage. This gives the parties time to resolve issues. This is especially true if the house has to be vacated.

The peace of mind of having your possessions safely stored is assured. Not only that, self storage also offers short duration rentals and varying size options.

Death of a partner

This is an emotionally difficult time for the partner left behind. Unfortunately, many difficult decisions need to be made while they are feeling particularly vulnerable and indecisive. Placing furniture into a storage unit while the estate is settled will give some breathing space. It gives anyone inheriting items time to make space in their own homes for these new additions, and will avoid making hasty, rash decisions that you may live to regret.

Choose a Self Storage Facility keeping these details in mind

  1. Pick a self storage facility with superior security measures to be sure that your precious belongings are safe from theft. Piling your stuff up in a garage or in an attic, or leaving it at a friend’s house, is not ideal. Certainly keeping your stuff in a garage is no guarantee that it won’t be stolen.
  2. Choosing a self storage unit that is in close proximity to you will make it easy to access your things whenever you need them.
  3. You can keep your costs down by choosing a self storage unit that is exactly the right size for the amount of stuff you have. And if you get rid of any of your stuff, you can easily downsize to a smaller unit. This flexibility is one of the reasons why self storage is gaining in popularity.
  4. A further reason why self storage is so popular is that you are not locked into a lengthy lease. You can hire a unit for as long or as short as you like. There are no hidden costs such as large deposits, or utility bills so you can budget to pay the amount that you are quoted.

Stop & Store Fareham

Our facility is conveniently situated. We have a large range of units, so you are sure to find one to fit your requirements.

Our security systems will ensure that your goods remain safe and secure.

Please read the reviews left by our customers on our website.

Stop & Store Fareham is centrally situated in the Thackeray Mall, in the heart of the town. We are user friendly making the unloading and loading of your goods easy. Our road access is handy.

Address: Thackeray Mall, Unit C (First Floor) 26a, Fareham PO16 0PQ, United Kingdom

Tel: 01329 556174
